
How To Upload A File To S3 From React App

How to Upload Files to AWS S3 in React

In 2 different ways

Mohammad Faisal

Credit: Google

Today in the presence of some awesome serverless cloud solutions like AWS and Firebase, handling file upload has become a piece of cake. Today we will see how we can quickly create an S3 bucket and upload files directly from our front-end React application.

Pre Requisites

  1. An AWS Account
  2. Basic Understanding of ReactJS

Let's get started!

Step 1. Create S3 Bucket

Log in to your aws console. Search for Amazon S3 and click on Create bucket.


Then give it a name and select the proper region. Then uncheck the Block all public access just for now (You have to keep it unchecked in production).


Hit Create Bucket and you will see your new bucket on the list.

Step 2. Edit Bucket Policy

Now we will set the bucket policy. Click on the bucket name and go to the properties tab.

Scroll down a bit and you will see a section named Bucket Policy


Click on the Edit button. and add the following json.

This will allow public access to the folder's content for now.

Step 3. Edit CORS Policy

Scroll down a bit further and you will get a section where you can edit the CORS policy. As we will be uploading files from another endpoint we need to ensure that our bucket does not block that for cors


Then add the following .json file to the policy

Now we are ready to upload files to our AWS S3 bucket. Now moving on with the frontend part.

Step 4. Set Up React Project

To follow along you will need a basic React project set up. You can do it easily by

              npx create-react-app s3-upload            

It will scaffold a basic application for you.

Step 5. Upload File Via Native SDK

If we use other aws services in our project then we have a special npm package for that named aws-sdk. We can get it by

              yarn add aws-sdk            

Then create a new component named UploadImageToS3WithNativeSdk and add the following code there

Here is a simple component where there is a file input and upload the file using native aws-sdk .


Step 6. Upload File Via React S3

If you are not using other AWS services then you don't need the full aws-sdk which will unnecessarily increase your bundle size.

We will use another library named react-s3. First, install it

              yarn add react-s3            

Then create a new component named UploadImageToS3WithReactS3 and add the following code

This component will do the same as the previous component. It will take a file as input and upload it to the S3 bucket.

And also don't forget to change the parameter values.


And there you go! Here is how you can upload any file to s3 bucket. Explore the documentation for more customization according to your need.

UPDATE: Read the below article to learn how to do it securely.

Have a great day! :D

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How To Upload A File To S3 From React App


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